Top Tips for Going Meat-Free Without Breaking the Bank

by Editorial Team | January 27th, 2020 | Cooking Basics

A meat-free diet is becoming increasingly popular in today’s society. There are a lot of reasons why people choose to adopt a meatless diet. Some do it for health reasons, while others want to be kinder to the animals or help the environment. That being said, the transition to keep meat off your plate is not without its challenges. One of the things people worry about when wanting to go meat-free is how to do it on a budget. Well, these tips can help:

Buy In Bulk

Buying staples like flour, grains, nuts, canned/dried beans, dried fruits, sugar, or spices in bulk form will generate the lowest price per kg/pound. Given that they are non-perishable foods, you can store them in jars for future use. This saving tactic may require a lot of money at first, but it will save you more in the long run. Be sure to buy foods that can offer the same nutrients that you would otherwise get from eating meat. It’s also important to buy two or three different packages of different bulk foods, which you can rotate to get varied nutrients. Purchasing your staples in bulk can help to save even more money. For instance, canned beans, packaged milk, and gluten-free bread will cost you more money than they need to. When you buy staples in bulk, you can also use them to make other food products such as soy milk or almond milk, bread, or beans.

Go Plant-Based

Research shows that eating meat increases the risk of several health problems. This could result in high medical bills later in life. As if that’s not enough, meat isn’t even cheap. On the other hand, beans, legumes, soy, and other vegetarian sources of protein are less costly. Additionally, these foods are healthier than meat and will save you a lot in medical bills later on. You don’t have to go cold turkey; instead, ease into meat-free meals. You can start with meatless Monday and gradually ease into a strictly plant-based diet.

Shop Local and Seasonal

Part of going meat-free is choosing a plant-based diet. The only problem is buying fresh produce can quickly add up. However, if you know what vegetables and fruits are in season and build your menus around them, you can save a whole lot. In-season produce tends to be cheaper due to the vast supply, and it tastes better too. If possible, try shopping at your local farmer’s market or buying directly from the farmer as it’s more cost-effective than shopping at the supermarket.

Plan Ahead

Planning is essential when it comes to saving money. Pick a day and plan your meals, as well as snacks for the upcoming week. Before you do so, go through your cupboards to see what you already have and what you need. This will help avoid unnecessary purchases, which can result in wastage. The next logical step is to plan for your meals. This is so you don’t have an excuse to grab a meaty dish when you’re hungry while ensuring healthy living.

Make Your Own Meals

Ready-made meals may look like a convenient option in this fast-paced world, but it will set you back a bit. On the other hand, cooking at home can save you quite a lot. Try cooking more food and freeze the leftovers for future use. Cooking at home doesn’t have to take much of your time, especially if you’ve planned ahead, as mentioned earlier. Another advantage of cooking from scratch is you can control what goes into your meals and ensure there isn’t any meat in your dish.

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