fetchpriority=”high” decoding=”async” class=”alignright size-full wp-image-2234″ style=”margin: 5px; float: right;” title=”peeps” src=”https://thinktasty1.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/peeps.png” alt=”” height=”300″ width=”215″>All of the recipes I post on Think Tasty are either creations of my own or recipes handed down in my family. That makes today’s recipe unique. Because although I have used this recipe, it is not my creation nor is it a family heirloom. Rather this is a recipe graciously shared by Chef Butters of Butter Café & Bakery in Walpole, Massachusetts.
I made these peeps last weekend with my 13 year old daughter. Be forewarned, these are messy, as you are creating homemade marshmallows. However, while they are still warm, the marshmallow mixture makes a lovely indoor s’more if placed on a graham cracker and topped with a little chocolate and another graham cracker.
Once solidified, they are ready to be made into peeps. We found that cutting shapes out of marshmallow is not as easy as it would seem, especially when using plastic cookie cutters. So, while I haven’t tried it, I would suggest using metal cookie cutters. I also found that rolling all sides of the peeps in sugar helped reduce the amount of stickiness.
Truthfully, I am not a fan of peeps. However, my kids have assured me that these peeps are quite delicious!

- 3/4 cup light corn syrup
- 1 cup cold water
- 3 envelopes plain gelatin
- 2 cups granulated sugar
- 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
- pinch of salt
- colored granulated sugar
- Calmly, and while wearing something festive, prepare a 9 x 13 x 2 inch pan as follows…. Cover the pan lightly with shortening.
- Place a half a cup of cold water in a bowl and sprinkle the gelatin over the surface of the water and reserve.
- Put the corn syrup, sugar, salt and a half cup of water in a heavy medium size pan on low heat. Stir mixture until the sugar is dissolved and it starts to bubble.
- Cover it for about 3 to 4 minutes to make sure that the sugar crystals on the sides of the saucepan melt. Uncover and turn up the heat to medium high heat and insert a candy thermometer into the mixture. Boil the syrup without stirring.
- When the temperature reaches 240 degrees take off the heat.
- Pour the syrup into the gelatin mixture. After all the syrup has been added, turn the mixer to high and beat it like Michael Jackson for 10 to 15 minutes or until the mixture is really white (should be like the consistency of Fluff®).
- (If this recipe is published I’d like royalties from Fluff® please). Now add the vanilla.
- Pour the mixture into the pan and smooth it out. Let it sit at room temperature uncovered overnight.
- Wake up the next day, call in sick to work and sift the colored granulated sugar onto a cutting board and turn the pan over in order to remove you’re soon to be Peeps. Tap the stiffened Marshmallow out of the pan and remove.
- Use your favorite “animal –like” cookie cutter and shape your peeps. Dip the cut sides of each strip into sugar to coat then cut each little bit. Shake to get rid of the extra sugar.
- Now you are ready to eat your homemade Peeps. I find they go well with a fine cabernet.