No matter what back to school looks like this year, one of these cookie recipes is sure to bring smiles.

It’s the end of the first full week of September, which means your kids either are already up to their eyeballs in schoolwork or are about to start the school year. I know that this year is especially trying, as parents and schools debate the merits of in-school, hybrid, and remote education. No matter what you or your district decide, a freshly baked cookie is definitely a nice way to mark the start of school. Make these recipes with your kids or solo; they’ll definitely be enjoyed by all. If your kids are out of the nest and away at school, some of these recipe are proven to be excellent cookies for shipping.
Almond Joy Cookies– I don’t eat many candy bars, but when I do indulge in a bar from our Halloween treats, Almond Joy is at the top of my list. Taking the main components of those candy bars and transforming them into a cookie was a delicious choice. All of the coconut and almond, plus a little bit of milk chocolate, make for a cookie that is hard to resist. This recipe has not been through the shipping test. Let me know if you try.
Apple Pie Cookies– As a person who doesn’t get excited about pie crust but who loves the filling, these cookies are just my thing. Full of apples and spice, they are a handheld way to enjoy the flavors of apple pie. This recipe has been tested and passed the long distance shipping test.
Caramel Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies– A piece of candy and a cookie all in one package? That’s what these cookies are. Not only are they delicious, but they also ship well. Trust me, I’ve tested them over thousands of miles.
Trail Mix Bar Cookies– I enjoy the way all of the flavors and textures in trail mix work together. Tart dried cranberries, crunchy nuts, sweet white chocolate chips make for a delicious combination. You know where else they work well? In a bar cookie. Yep, these passed the shipping test as well.
Whether you’re thinking about baking with your kids at home, making some as part of a care package, or just want to satisfy your own sweet tooth, one of these cookie recipe is sure to please.