A year or two ago, my two children, who were 7 and 9 at the time, slept over a friend’s house. For breakfast the next morning they were offered waffles. They thought it was a great idea until the waffles were taken out of a box in the freezer, and then utter confusion set in. At this point in their young lives they had never seen waffles that weren’t homemade. Needless to say, the waffle maker at my house is very well used. (Fear not, they did enjoy the frozen waffles!)
I have owned my Toastmaker Belgian Waffle Maker for more than a decade, and I love it for its great features and its simplicity. To prepare it for use, all that you need to do is plug it in. Once heated, the indicator light turns off. Open the waffle maker, spray it with a little nonstick cooking spray, pour the batter, close it, and it’s cooking time. Again when the waffle maker is ready and the waffle is done cooking, the indicator light turns off. The waffle is easily removed from the waffle maker with a fork. When you are done making all of your waffles and the waffle maker is cool, simply wipe it with a paper towel. The waffle maker is clean and ready for its next use.
This waffle maker is very durable. Mine has been used quite frequently over the past ten years, waffles being a common breakfast request from my children. Even after being used for many a lazy Sunday morning breakfast, my waffle maker shows no sign of wear. The waffles that I make today are as well cooked as the first waffles that I made with the waffle maker.
The Toastmaker Belgian Waffle Maker produces perfectly cooked waffles. They have a slight crunch on the outside, are piping hot, and have a tender, light center. Served with butter and maple syrup, the waffles make a delicious breakfast. Of course, you can be more creative with your toppings, using items, such as fresh strawberries, chocolate chips, or even ice cream.
While this waffle make won’t guarantee that there are: no toddler temper tantrums, teenage angst, or middle-aged hair loss, it definitely is a valuable kitchen tool. As my favorite breakfast cooking tool, I would recommend the purchase of the Toastmaker Belgian Waffle Maker.

Mmmm… Yummy.
I just saw Gabriel from Desperate House Wife eating a waffle with her new boyfriend on TV the other day and thought “I want that waffle!” lol Come to think of it I’ve never made waffles myself… Do you have the recipe as well?